Friday, November 6, 2015

November 6: St. Leonard

St. Leonard window
Oxfordshire, England


Leonard was working in the king's court when he met St. Remigius and learned all about Jesus. He immediately became a Christian, living as a hermit in Limoges, France. He prayed for the queen to have her baby safely, which she did. So the king told Leonard that he could have as much land as he could ride a donkey around in one day - which was a large piece of property! Prisoners who asked Leonard to pray for them would see their chains break before their eyes, and then Leonard would give them some land so they could earn an honest living. 


When Jesus came to earth, He broke our chains to - our chains to sin and death. Today, make a paper chain to count down the days to Christmas. Every day, you can break off one link. Use different colors of paper to reflect the Church calendar. Make the first 17 green for ordinary time (tear one off at bedtime tonight). The next link should be gold for Christ the King Sunday then 6 more green ones. Next, make 14 purple ones. The next link is for Gaudete Sunday, so it should be rose (pink). Make 10 more purples ones for the last days of Advent, and then a white or gold one for Christmas day. 

Saint Leonard, pray for us! 

More reading for parents:

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