Saturday, November 22, 2014

November 22: Saint Cecilia

St. Cecelia and St. Valerian
by Lelio Orsi (1511-1587)
Galleria Borghese


Saint Cecilia loved Jesus so much, she wanted to give Him everything she had and everything she was. Her parents promised her in marriage to a young man named Valerian, but she told him that an angel watched over her to keep her set apart for God. Valerian naturally wanted to see the angel, and Cecilia said he must believe in God and be baptized before that would happen. He went to Pope Urban, who taught him and baptized him. When Valerian retuned, he saw the angel watching over Cecilia as she prayed. The angel held two crowns of flowers, one for each of them, which he placed on their heads.


Saint Cecilia is the patron saint of musicians because she heard heavenly music. Today, get out your musical instruments and “make a joyful noise” to the Lord. If you don’t happen to have any musical instruments, you can make paper plate tambourines in just minutes.

Saint Cecilia, pray for us!

More reading for parents:

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