Wednesday, October 2, 2013

October 2: Saint Leger


Leger grew up knowing only comfort and privilege in the court of King Clotaire II of Neustria (which is now part of France). His uncle was the bishop of Poitiers, and Leger himself was an abbot and later a bishop. He was a good leader, helping people settle arguments and caring for the poor. But when King Clotaire III died, he left two sons who each wanted the throne. Leger supported the younger son, Childeric, which made a lot of enemies. At one point, Leger was severely tortured under direction of the mayor, leaving him blind and unable to talk, but he kept praying the psalms, which gave him the strength to bear is sufferings. He was thrown in prison and eventually executed for a murder he did not commit.   


When Jesus was crucified, He prayed psalms. Some theologians think he prayed all the psalms over and over again until He died. Saint Leger followed the Lord’s example when he was being tortured, and many other Christians have found the strength they need in the psalms. Today, pray Psalm 27 for anybody in the world who is being accused of something they didn’t do.

Saint Leger, pray for us!

More reading for parents:

Catholic Online

Special Note:

Today is also the Feast of Guardian Angels. I didn't feature this because technically, angels are not saints - though they help us become saints! We should all remember to thank God today for providing us with angels who care for us and protect us, as Jesus indicated in Matthew 18:10. Make sure your children know the Guardian Angel Prayer, and find a way to celebrate today, perhaps with an angel food cake for dessert tonight. 

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